Traditional Accredited Acupuncture in Hamilton?
Fong Acupuncture was Newcastle’s first acupuncturist. We have been providing safe, effective and personalised treatment for over 40 years.
Combining the experience of six generations with professional training, our family-run clinic near Hamilton, NSW provides acupuncture treatment for a wide range of conditions including pain management, pregnancy & fertility support and skin & allergies.
Our practice was established in 1973 by Godfrey Fong and has now been passed down to son, Raoul.
Raoul is a fourth-generation acupuncturist and studied for eight years at the Australian College of Natural Medicine in Brisbane before joining the family business.
It was a career path the 42-year-old father of three was always going to take.
Conditions we treat
Foot, Heel and Ankle Pain
Migraines and Headaches
Sinusitis and Allergies
Stress and Sleep Issues
Depression and Anxiety
Fertility and Pregnancy Issues
Menopause, Menstrual & Hormonal Support
Skin Issues
Acute and chronic sport injuries
Our Treatments
Depending on the type of injury or condition, the type of treatment applied will involve Traditional Acupuncture, Cupping or Moxibustion.
Fully accredited
Fong Acupuncture is a registered member of AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency – Chinese Medicine Board of Australia), AACMA (Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association) and is accredited with all private health funds.
Practitioner No: CMR0001715137

Contact Us
02 4929 5805
1/128 Glebe Road,
Merewether NSW 2291
Monday – Friday
8:30am – 5:00pm
Christmas Closure
Closed 19th December 2019 – Monday 13th January 2020
January Clinic Hours
We are open on the following dates through January 2020:
- Tuesday 14th
- Wednesday 15th
- Thursday 16th
- Tuesday 21st
- Wednesday 22nd
- Thursday 23rd
- We will resume normal clinic hours from Tuesday 28th January.